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Rugelach Bake

Get together with local Jewish women for a Covid-safe and fun relaxed evening.

Tonight we’ll learn the art of making the delicious and world famous traditional “Rugelach” pastry.

The evening will be guided by Goldie, our very own master Rugelach baker, who will share some tricks and tips for making the perfect Rugelach. No baking experience needed.

COVID - The event will take place in groups of 6, in an outdoor marquee with social distancing, and each person will receive sanitised individual materials and ingredients.

Monday & Tuesday, 26th & 27th October. 2 groups - at 7:00pm and at 8:30pm.
£10 cover charge

To reserve your spot, let us know below. Or message Goldie at 07742 459 216 or

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Earlier Event: 20 September
Rosh Hashana in the Park
Later Event: 24 November
JWC Scented Candles